BECOME AN AUTHOR with Overwhelming victory press
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Keep copyright
Not self-publishing
Not a "vanity press"
Work with a reputable publishing house
Work with a team of content, text and technical editors
All manuscripts should be submitted through the Submission Portal below.
All manuscripts will be delivered to the Editorial Team within 31 calendar days of receiving the manuscript
Acceptance, Acceptance with Recommendations, or No Acceptance of the manuscript will be communicated to the author within 62 calendar days of the reception of the manuscript
Abstract Proposal
A brief (300-800 word) overview consisting of:
What is the overall vision for and desired purpose of your book?
Is your book Theological (What the Ministry believes, thinks, envisions)? Philosophical (How the Ministry is organized)? Or Methodological (What/How is the Ministry done)? Or is it a combination of these three?
What messages, themes, and takeaways to you want to reader to gather from reading your book?
Who is the ideal Intended Audience you see reading and utilizing this book?
How will your book be used by the reader?
Based on question 2 & 3 (above)…what is/are the distinctives of your book from other similar/competing books? What separates it from others in the field?
How is your book relevant to local church SR&F Outreach Ministry?
A proposed Table of Contents
Submitted here.
Upon approval, move on to STEP 2