We want to be able to offer our Resourcing to all ministers across the globe, to further impact the Kingdom through Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Ministry. To do that, we could use your help!

The most important thing you can do, is to pray for the work of Overwhelming Victory and CSRM's International Staff and GNPs. Pray for the materials we are producing to be impactful for the kingdom. Pray for the protection and safety of our workers. Pray for the finances of Overwhelming Victory and the ministries that we impact.

General Help
There are many other ways to get involved. Contact us if you are interested in learning about the many ways to get involved with the translating of Overwhelming Victory Resources.

Our work cannot continue with the financial support from people who believe in the mission of CSRM and Overwhelming Victory. Would you consider sponsoring one of our books translations?

CSRM International
CSRM has a large network of International Staff & Global Network Partners serving the local church in there native lands through Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Ministries.

Are you gifted with foreign languages? We need translators to do the hard work of producing our wonderful resources into the native languages of our wonderful Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Ministers Worldwide. Currently, we have requests for materials to be translated into Spanish, French, Arabic, and Burmese.

Donate to CSRM International
You can help support the work of Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Ministry across the globe by donating to the International Staff & GNP Fund. This money will go to support the Indigenous Church Leaders partnered with us for salary, housing, resourcing, education, travel, healthcare, & other expenses they may need.